My Cash Flow 2019 vs 2020

2 min readMar 6, 2021

My current company has its final financial quarter of 2020 in 2021Q1 so I will use that as an excuse to publish my own cash flow report at this time. Almost in due time as well, Singapore requires personal income tax to be reported by 15th of April.

Sunset from the top of my block

Personal cash inflow can really only come from salaries and more recently red packet monies. Or from hustles if any. But hustles also costs money.. Anyway here is the breakdown.

My income dropped in 2020 vs 2019. This is because there was a one-off occasional income that bucked my salary trend in 2019.

I shall be discussing top 3 most significant expenditure trends for 2019 vs 2020.

Travel expenses were all channeled into healthcare expenses. What I would normally spend on a holiday went into my teeth as expenditure for braces. Both are considered taking care of myself so I take that to be a fair trade.

Transport and entertainment expenses, and then some, went into spending on electronics. Bunny moved in so there was less going out and also because I am almost perpetually work-from-home and no longer spend much on transport and entertainment. Food spending however was pretty much the same.

However, cash reserves saw a lower inflow as there is now more money in the stock markets than before. I am undergoing a project to consolidate all the monies into IBKR, but in the meantime they are spread all over the place. That is another topic for another day.

Perhaps I will add a personal balance sheet when I’m comparing for 2020 vs 2021?




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