2 min readJul 9, 2021
Sunrise normally after my runs. But this time, sunrise before.
Last training at the stadium before IPPT.

Time flies, as we all know it to. Took IPPT last week and achieved my aim! From 20, 38, 13:20 to 28, 45, 10:33. Well within a safety factor of 1 point on each segment. Honestly still feel the distance per round is shorter than standard but I’ll take what’s given. It’s much more efficient now too, I got the award within 3 minutes via Paynow.

I can possibly do better. Inspiration for the next year?

But I think I took away more than just that. In the past few weeks I established a routine for myself, to wake at 630am everyday to go for a run and usually by 830am be ready for the day. To ensure that I was improving/growing by the day, I took more care towards my body/diet as well, adhering to sleep time and duration. On days where I cannot follow the normal, I made efforts to make it up on another day. It really goes to show that one reaps what one sows. Yes, NS rewarded by monetarily, but I rewarded myself with a sense of control and satisfaction.

Also led me to think about how much I can take back into my own control, rather than continue to be led by circumstances. Oftentimes we find ourselves spending the day, being the hamster in the wheel, being the rat in the race, being another cog in the machine, your choice of analogy in life, but what do we do when we gain that insight of ourselves? Do we continue to subject ourselves to the learned helplessness? Or do we take steps to regain control of our lives?

Last but not least, to remember and appreciate that all performance is not only that by oneself, and that Bunny was always there to help me achieve.




Be the change you wanna see in the world. Being in the world you wanna see the change in works too!