
2 min readAug 25, 2023


Last publish in Jan/2022 and this one in Aug/2023.. There are drafts as well but well I’ll have to go back to edit them before publishing in retrospect.

The view out my window

So I’ve decided to leave. This time after 864 days. Far from the 1818 days before. I don’t think length of time had anything to do with this, more of an outcome.

There were 5 interviews over 1 month, and the offer came 1 month after.

It was a difficult decision between F and T, so I’m recording my decision matrix for my future self to look back on.

Compensation: Almost equivalent. just adding ~3.44% that one can attribute as the EOY raise that I will be missing. Bonus at same level, supposedly 15%. There is a sign-on bonus but.. that is also just effectively the 15% that I would have gotten.

Shares: Options ~USD 9.50, Target IPO at USD 20 vs 30k worth of shares per year.


  • None vs Daily meal credit of $18 per work day
  • Phone allowance $70 vs $50 per month or as per usage depending on work nature
  • Annual Leave: 20 days vs 18 days
  • None vs fully sponsored gym membership

And in terms of outlook, I think by the time 2025 comes, there is more to say having been at T for 1–2 years, than having been at F for 4 years.

Decision is difficult because I am recognised at F and they are promising things for me but I don’t really see how that will work out for me. They want me to be a Principal, but I will hardly have any overlap with either HQs, and I do foresee that I will only continue to and be used to mainly cover complex projects, not something I am not already doing.

Taxes.. the bane of everybody. YOA2023 outputs an effective IIT rate of 7%. I estimate YOA2024 to be at 7.67%. So the effective rise in income less taxes is at 15%.

They are also kinda stingy about it, because 01/SEP was made a public holiday, the start date is 04/SEP, making me lose a few days of pay. Annoying but goes to show how generous they are(n’t)!




Be the change you wanna see in the world. Being in the world you wanna see the change in works too!