Connecting the dots

2 min readMar 13, 2021

Yeah. Steve Jobs. Everybody has their own interpretation. I’m having many dots in my career journey and I don’t know what these will line up into.

In the Chinese language, there’s this thing called 机遇 - loosely translates into opportunity. I suppose people with a plan will only look for dots that fit the picture they’re trying to make. For me, I’m looking for any dot that loosely fits the picture.

It’s also about going where the wind takes you. Sailing off without a map. Believing in fate and destiny. The younger me believe that we make our own destiny but I found that to be remotely true. All career moves I’ve made so far was mostly me being blown by the wind.

The remote part that I still find true is we can set our sails to pick up the right wind, and adjust the sail to take advantage of any wind that may help you. From vectors, and considering opportunity costs, moving slightly off direction can be corrected back in future and you never know if the vector you took may be due to the prevailing conditions. As long as the macro climate remains optimistic, moving is better than staying still.

机会是留给有准备的人. Opportunities are only recognised by people who are prepared, and able to take action when one occurs. Successful people don’t depend on luck, they set themselves up for opportunities, and wait for one to come by. Even more successful people will be capable of creating opportunities but that is another barrier to break.

Having goals help you find purpose. At 20, I wanted to hit 7 figures by 30, but I found that much too impossible from my starting point. I softened that to 5 figures by 30 and I am glad to have made it. Next will be 7 figures by 35, and I don’t think that’s too far off. I will probably need to hit 12–15 in 5 years, something the micro climate may be able to provide.

It’s time to see where these winds bring me and for me to trust that these dots will connect when I look back.




Be the change you wanna see in the world. Being in the world you wanna see the change in works too!